
10 Things That Make You Unhappy

Why we feel unhappy? We believe happiness is found like it’s something we already lost however, the happiness it’s what’s left when you clear your mind from all the junk you learn during your life.

When you follow the logic above, it’s easy to see what’s causing your bad mood, temperament, or even personality. It’s the harmful habits that make you unhappy, it’s the beliefs about yourself, and the wrong view about the life you have. The moment you drop all of the bad beliefs, and habits and replace them with good ones, the happiness and the joy are not hard to find, because they’ve been with you the whole time.

Let’s bring awareness of some of the things of which we should be careful if we want to stay positive and stay happy!

1. They worry about things they can’t change.

Worrying makes you unhappy. There are some things in this world that are not useful. Worrying about things that we can’t change is one of them. We should focus only on what’s possible to change. We are not capable of changing the weather, our boss’ attitude, or where we are born, so we should stop spending energy on these things.

Life is too short to worry about anything. You had better enjoy it because the next day promises nothing.

Eric Davis

The philosophy of stoicism separates things in life, in two ways – things we can control and things we can’t. They focus only on the things they can control.

Try to get yourself to focus on the possibilities in life, and what is in your power. Let go of the passive way of living, focusing on stuff we don’t have control over.

2. They take themselves too seriously.

What a relief I had, once I understood this simple thing.
In the past, I used to take life too seriously. I needed to have everything at the right moment. I remember when I was 23 years old, I was thinking that you need to have a good car, a good career, and a partner before 25.

Didn’t have any of these things. I felt like I’m getting behind people my age. It was probably true, however, I was pessimistic and took life too seriously, which made me unhappy.  We all have different times of how life should be at different stages in our life. Maybe life is not a game, and a little bit of seriousness, it’s okay. When we take it too seriously, we lose the joy of life.
It’s okay to make mistakes, messed up, and not have everything you want right now.

The journey is never-ending. There’s always gonna be growth, improvement, and adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what’s right, continue to grow, and continue to live in the moment.

Antonio Brown

Even though life it’s not a game, sometimes it’s helpful to see it as a game.

3. They never exercise

lifting weights

Today a lot of people still work jobs that are physically demanding. In the future, however, fewer and fewer people will have physical labor jobs. This means – physical activity, and exercise will be absolutely necessary.

Human beings evolve by doing stuff and being physically active. We feel better mentally, by being physically active. I believe everyone could benefit from it. Exercising it’s a big part of my life as well. I try to maintain the habit of exercising and not lose it since I know how much it helped me and benefit me in life.

Don’t skip this one, it’s a game-changer. Try to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle, if you still didn’t.

4. They eat unhealthy foods often

unhealthy lifestyle

Yeah, this one is kind of obvious. However, this doesn’t mean people eat healthy foods more than junk foods. It means that people are at least aware of the bad consequences that unhealthy food has.

Unhealthy food makes you feel unhappy. We are what we eat, they say. When you don’t give your body the nutrients that it needs to function properly, you will not function properly.

Maybe today it’s a good day to skip the pizza and make one nice green salad.

5. They don’t get enough sleep

The right amount of sleep to have will differentiate between different people. Some people will feel fine with 7-8 hours, some people need 8 hours of sleep. Again something very obvious, however easily neglected and not so easy to do. In today’s day and age, we are too busy with work, hobbies, etc… We all have our excuses, to sleep less…

Being sleepy, impacts in a bad way how you function and think and definitely makes you an unhappy person.

unhappy woman

Ignoring good sleep for performance and productivity, it’s not a good idea. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep, your body will thank you.

Although you will have less time, your productivity will increase by getting a good amount of sleep.

Get a good sleep and let your body and brain recover.

6. They spend too much time on social media

Social media can be very beneficial for our connection with people. We can earn money from it, we definitely get entertained by it. Not everything is bad about social media. However, it’s very complicated to use it properly. Our brains are not adapted to this new technology. We start to overuse it. I know a lot of people that lose half of their time available on social media without getting anything from it.

It’s very easy to get addicted. Very often we get into comparisons with other people, which makes us unhappy. Most people just share only ‘’the good’’ life on social media. Then we see that our life isn’t cool and interesting like theirs.

We lose our energy and time for something that makes us unhappy. 

Reducing the amount of time we spend on social media, will eventually make us feel better about ourselves.

7. Comfort zones can make you unhappy

It’s okay to stay in your comfort zone most of the time. You can’t always be outside of your comfort zone, you need time to think and rest. However, there is a reason why we say get out of your comfort zone, not get more comfortable in your life, although some people may need it.

We tend to get in our comfort zones more often than we should. We need to get outside of our comfort zone if we want to grow and become better people.

The best things in life are often waiting for you at the exit ramp of your comfort zone.

Karen Salmansohn

Challenging ourselves is hard, but necessary.

8. Negative addictions


It’s hard to think about something that can ruin your mood, then bad habits and addictions like alcohol, smoking, and drugs. The effect is so bad that it is not worth the actual experience you get in the moment of taking drugs or drinking alcohol. The hangover you get from one night full of alcohol is a pain in the ass. I stop drinking alcohol because is hard to be productive the next day when you feel like s**t.

The negative addictions could be anything. Look what are the negative, bad habits you have and try to overcome them.

Is hard to stay happy with bad addictions.

9. Regret about the past.

The past is the past. It’s over… bad or good, you can’t change it. We all have our bad mistakes. Hopefully, we learn from them and use them for a better future. I believe that’s the reason we have memory, so we can learn from it.

The past cannot be cured.

Elizabeth I

Accept the past and think about what you can do from now on.


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10. Social comparison

The social comparison may help you improve or make you feel deep dissatisfaction and guilt.

Maybe he/she is smarter than you, better looking, or just looks happier. One thing is for sure, you are not him/her and he/she is not you either. Work towards becoming a better person, not someone else. 

If you compare yourself with Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos when it comes to money or success, of course, you will feel bad about yourself. Try to do your best every day and learn to compare yourself with who you were yesterday.


We are not perfect, we can’t be and stay happy all the time, and that’s okay. We should aim to be more centered person. Happiness is not a constant feeling, we know what is happiness because we know what is sadness. Don’t judge yourself, if you don’t feel happy. Instead, accept how you feel at the moment. Be self-aware of the things that make you unhappy and stop doing them. Thinking too much about the future can create anxiety. Learning how to be present at the moment will make us happier.

Self-awareness is crucial when it comes to understanding our emotions. Try to change what you can change about your circumstances if you don’t feel happy. Let’s say you work a meaningless 9-5 job and you feel unhappy because of it. Work towards changing it. Of course, easier said than done. However, if we expect life to be easy, without challenges, we are not in a good place. We’re gonna have our challenges, which actually can make us happier in the long term.

Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.

Dalai Lama

I’m pretty confident that, if you put into practice what you know you have to do. You will be a happier person.

Would like to know, what makes you happy and what you need to feel happy. Please comment below.