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How To Get An Easy Life, By Choosing Struggle.

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You probably hate the struggle..

You hate to struggle and that feeling of being into the uncertainty, unknown future, the hard present moment. You feel like the joy of life just doesn’t want to be with you at this moment. Hard not to question yourself, some insecurities come up, some of them you forgot about last year. You ask yourself, didn’t we forget about it already. looks like the one year of meditation didn’t help at all.

The struggle is your best friend in life

Yeah, crazy right.. I know, I know, I’m about to explain.

The struggle defines your character, your personality. There is a quiet confidence that comes with being through a lot of struggles.

I like the Nietzsche quote: ‘’What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger,, however I will add something. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger or weaker. In a moment of struggle, you choose what to believe. What you choose to believe is what you get from the struggle.

Personal experience..

I used to look for a comfortable way of living. When I was younger I was too scared and shy to take on the challenges. Which make my life hard, not easy like I used to believe that the comfort will give me.

Once I start to take challenges in life and embrace the struggle, I become more confident with myself. I start to have more self-respect with myself, because I know I did what’s needed and didn’t choose the easy way.

You will struggle anyway

I believe human existence is a struggle, although I know it can be a joy as well, however I do believe we just gonna have to struggle no matter what, maybe in the early years of our life or late ones. It’s inevitable, we’re gonna face adversity in life. 

However we don’t need to struggle for unnecessary things in life. We should choose our struggles.

A lot of times we tend to struggle for the wrong things. Suffering for the wrong things can be very dangerous, in some cases deadly. Look into your lifestyle, and analyse what it’s not beneficial for you to struggle for. You need your energy for the important battles in your life.

Sometimes you need to struggle to not struggle

Having addictive bad habits is a struggle that you need to struggle to get rid of. In a way you choosing to struggle, is actually the way of less struggle in your life.

How we should look at life’s struggles and challenges

We are like adaptive machines..

We need to change how we see the fear, the struggles and challenges in life. We should start to look at ourselves like we are adaptive machines. Maybe we are not in the place we want, we are weak right now, because of this it’s hard to do what is challenging for us. However we are adaptive machines, so we should adapt to the situation and gain strength from it in the long term.

We should know that we can get stronger by doing hard things. You want to get smarter.. use your brain more. You want to get physically stronger.. use your body more. The point is.. because you don’t feel strong now, this shouldn’t stop you from taking the challenges in life. You get stronger by taking on these challenges. 

Focus on the long term..


Another way of looking at the challenges in life is by looking at them in the long-term. You struggle with going out and socializing with the opposite gender. Think about how this struggle you face, what’s scary now and hard, will make you better in the long-term. You’ll get better socializing with the opposite gender by socializing with the opposite gender. With time we get better at anything, however it’s important to take the first step.

How we take the first step

You should know what’s important for you. You need to have a map and know your priorities in life. What do you want to archive. Who is the person you want to be. You need to choose your struggles. You can’t fight with the whole human existing problem in life. Pick your battles one by one. Once you know what are the challenges you want to take, ask yourself why? Why do you want to take these challenges, what’s the reason? What is the motivation behind..

When you know why and what challenges you are willing to take and struggle for. You have a life goal that you need to archive, if you want to become a better version of yourself and live a better life.

Make a plan

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We all know we should set goals, not many do it. Make year/month/week/day plan, for example:

I’m willing to struggle to achieve this goal: Improve my romantic relationships.

In one year I want to experience a good romantic relationship.

In one month I want to go one a 3 dates.

In one week I want to go out 2-3 times and ask 10 different girls/boys to go out on a date.

Then you need to have small steps.. how you gonna get there. Be creative and realistic about it.

You will have an easier life by taking on the challenges in life, not hide from them or ignore them.

Life is not easy for most of us. However, we don’t need an easy life, if we want to have an easy life. It’s a bit paradoxical, let me explain..

You picking and taking your struggles will make you stronger which will inevitably make life easier for you, because you got strong from those challenges. When you are stronger, life gets easier. However you don’t strive for an easy life, you get the easy life, by facing your fears and taking the challenges that present in your life. 

What challenges you are ready to take? Comment below!